
School interveners are front-line players in the application of the SEXTO project. Their actions are crucial.

To ensure the successful application of the SEXTO protocol, interveners must adopt a caring attitude and take key actions.




Caring is a professional stance combining kindness and firmness, which includes offering the student encouragement and understanding and a context conducive to learning.

Reference: Albert and Frasson – Beaumont et al. 2017, Research Chair on School Security and Violence in Schools, Université Laval.


The SEXTO project: an approach enabling a quick stakeholder response

Experience demonstrates that management of a case of sexting in schools requires concerted stakeholder action. It is essential to intervene quickly and efficiently to curb the dissemination of images, the ultimate goal being to preserve the physical and psychological integrity of the victim as well as of the other young people involved. Hence, as soon as a situation of sexting is uncovered in a school setting, the SEXTO project protocol will be initiated. All stakeholders will be called upon to quickly help the victim by limiting the spread of intimate images and by adopting a caring approach. A SEXTO project intervention kit will be used so that actions can be coordinated in order to ensure a concerted response.


  1. To avoid viewing the images, while respecting the integrity of the teenagers in question.
  2. To standardize interventions (professional and structured).
  3. To increase the effectiveness and speed of interventions.
  4. To help its users feel more secure.
  5. To support the intervener during meetings with teenagers and parents.
  6. To coordinate the actions of the various partners.

The SEXTO kit contains:

  • The steps of the intervention process.
  • Incident Evaluation Grid.
  • Cell phone confiscation bags.
  • Intervener’s checklist.
  • A legal reference document.
  • Information documents for parents


  1. We invite you to discuss your involvement with the management of your institution.
  2. A request must be made to the police force serving your municipality.
  3. A memorandum of understanding must be signed between the police force in your municipality and the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions so that the SEXTO project kit can be used in your institution.
  4. Once the memorandum is signed, a three-hour training session will be offered to school personnel in the territory served by the police force. Online training is also available by accessing the Sexto intervention kit online training program.
  5. It is important to note that if your police force has not joined the Sexto project, you will not be able to use the Sexto intervention kit and you will not obtain your certification badges for Sexto intervention kit online training. It is therefore important to verify if an agreement exists between your police force and the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions before completing the online training.
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